I just had to share this kind newletters from one of my longest...
and most favorite designers!
I own just about every book Renee Nanneman has published!
If you are looking for Indian Summer and/or And So it Crows
fabric kits....you'll find them at
July 12, 2018
It was easy to fall in love with all of Karen Walker's
quilt designs when I discovered her creativity on Etsy
two years ago. Karen is a quilt blogger and long arm
quilter turned quilt designer
--- what a fun name.
You'll want to check out her blog at
If you liked the Haunting quilt shown in the our photo
I hope you enjoy upcoming summer holiday weekend.
Creatively yours,Renee Nanneman
The Need'l Love Company
Email info@needllove.com
Follow me on Facebook!
Andover Fabrics Designer

Thank you so much Renee!!!
It was easy to fall in love with all of Karen Walker's
quilt designs when I discovered her creativity on Etsy
two years ago. Karen is a quilt blogger and long arm
quilter turned quilt designer
--- what a fun name.
You'll want to check out her blog at
Anyway, I immediately asked if I could buy patterns from
her and start some quilt samples for the big show we
had planned to do in Kansas City in 2017.
(Yes, I was working over a year ahead for the Kansas City
Regional Quilt Festival, which by the way,
will be held again next year in June of 2019.)
You can't imagine how excited I was to have the
opportunity to meet Karen in person this past May at
Quilt Market in Portland, OR.
Here's a photo of Karen and me in the Andover Fabrics
booth where quilts were hanging, created with my
new Harvest Moon and Haunting fabrics.
After Quilt Market Karen sent me an illustration of a
new quilt design she's working on for fall and asked
if I would like for her to use my new fabrics
--- absolutely --- what an honor.
Can't wait to see Karen's finished quilt design
<hint><hint> with black crows, of course
--- black crows made with my new Harvest Moon blacks.
(Karen on the right and I'm on the left.)
Need'l Love has some exclusive KITS for two of Karen's
AND SO IT CROWS is 40" x 50" ... $89.95 KIT with
pattern included.
Color planned by Renée Nanneman & Becky Cogan
using 32 great fall fabrics. All the same fun prints
& binding are included in our kit ... We love SCRAPPY ...
Can you tell?
The background fabric is a yummy Diamond Textiles
woven and you'll love the color.
INDIAN SUMMER is 57" x 66" ... $84.95 KIT ---
SPECIALLY PRICED AT $69.95 with pattern included.
The happy quilt's background is a print from my
The happy quilt's background is a print from my
Tender Romance collection for Andover Fabrics.
The sunflowers are created with 12 different gorgeous
golden yellow/gold fabrics. You will love the "log cabin"
centers of the sunflowers.
And for a burst of color try some ...
SUNFLOWER FABRICS ... pick your blossoms as yardage.
If you liked the Haunting quilt shown in the our photo
above, you'll want a quilt kit so you can make one too!
The HAUNTING QUILT KIT makes a 51" x 69" quilt
--- $99.95 and the pattern is included.
HAUNTING ... Here's my new Halloween fabric collection
with a 1930's vintage Halloween feel.
Thank you for following Need'l Love & for loving my fabrics!
Proud to be an Andover Fabrics designer!
The Need'l Love Company
Email info@needllove.com
Andover Fabrics Designer
Thank you so much Renee!!!
I love all the fabrics you used! The quilt is very cute.