July 11, 2013

More Snow Days

Almost a year ago, i finished quilting this very same quilt for Margaret...shown Here 
This one is Sherrie's...a bit deeper/warmer in color.
I'm quilting almost the same designs...all freehand with a lot of stitch in the ditch and background meander ...making certain areas really stand out. 
My lighting for picture taking is not as good as i would like...
(i had taken many more...none worthy of posting)
but once it's finished i hope to get some good ones to show.

 On another note...i stumbled across this
with lots of  'pins' from my blog...
with my blog address at the top.
I have a Pinterest found Here
but i don't have much pinned and only 3 boards...
hum...curious....at least for me. 
 Can anyone explain?  :)


  1. I like how you broke up the four patch & created another design. So someone has created a Pinterest page saying they are you? Very strange? Kinda creepy.............
    Pinterest is VERY addictive, I have several boards now :-/

  2. The quilt is gorgeous,,nice job on the quilting

  3. I think visitors to your blog have pinned photos or tutorials to their own boards but the reference links the viewer back to your blog so you are credited. So even though you personally didn't share those items on your Pinterest board, other blog items have migrated to Pinterest through others. They should be asking your permission but if you don't mind the pin, you could always put that blanket permission on your blog or if you do mind, say so on the blog. This is just my perception of other things I have observed on Pinterest.

    1. i think you are right Colleen...it looks like a function of pinterest. I wonder if others with a pinterest, copy this link, http://pinterest.com/source/chezstitches.blogspot.com/ but with one's own blog address, if they would find the same. probably

  4. So if I go to that link that you provided, it is a list of all the pins others have made, pinned from your blog. I guess it would generate more traffic for your blog and let people see the other good stuff you write about. My thought would be that is a positive thing as long as the source is always your work, no one is taking credit for what you have produced. It is better than the unscrupulous practice of "scraping" your work and posting it on a commercial blog where you get no credit at all.



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