The Farmer's Wife Quilt Revival Classes are offered in 12 Classes or 'Lessons'.
Each costing $8.50. Included in each class are time saving methods, skill building techniques and smaller quilt patterns. You do not have to commit to all 12 Classes. The smaller quilt patterns are included in Class 2, 3 and 6 for those who choose not to make all 111 Farmer's Wife blocks...yet will have something nice to show for their efforts.
For more detailed information click HERE
Nice email from Carol...
Re: Farmer's Wife Class 7
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9:42 AM (4 hours ago)
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Thanks. I can't tell you how helpful your classes are. I started the FW quilt two years ago. Searched all over the web for cutting instructions for blocks and found a few, but then got discouraged when I had to start using the book's templates. Your instructions are just what I needed. I actually have 61 blocks finished now and feel confident I will finish all.
Here's what Nancy said:
The Farmer's Wife Quilt Revival Classes have been a life saver!! I have been quilting for little more than two years and decided I wanted to try my hand at something really challenging. I had heard about the Farmer's Wife Quilt and loved knowing the history behind each block so I decided to tackle it. After trying two different cutting and piecing methods, (Farmer's Wife Book's and paper piecing), I was frustrated and dissatisfied with the results, I did a lot of searching and finally came across Karen's Farmer's Wife Quilt Revival Classes on Craftsy. The classes were reasonably priced and after reading all the positive reviews, I decided to purchase the first class. I have been thrilled with my choice and have purchased each consecutive class as it has become available.
Her modern piecing techniques are a lifesaver (especially for a beginning quilter) and seem revolutionary! The cutting and piecing instructions are clear and concise. The colored diagrams are also invaluable in helping clarify the instructions. Karen also has a website/blog with tutorials and pictorials on some of the different techniques that she refers to in her instructions. The blog also offers encouragement along the way!
I'm truly grateful that I discovered her classes on Craftsy! I honestly think I would have given up on the quilt out of pure frustration. Now I'm pleased with each of my blocks and able to progress at a pace that fits into my lifestyle. Most importantly, I am enjoying every minute of it!!
Thanks Karen!!
I have been asked to write a testimonial for The Farmers Wife Revival Classes by Karen Walker, I not only said yes, but my original testimonial was so long, I posted it on my blog. Here is the short version. Would I recommend Karen’s classes? In a heartbeat, YES! Because of her clear and well written instructions, I have been able to create blocks that I looked at before and thought that they were too complicated. Blocks that have 49 pieces in them are now as easy as doing a simple 9 patch. My accuracy as improved and in most cases, the back of my blocks are as perfect as the fronts! So would I recommend her classes? YES, in a heartbeat!!
You can read the full version and see my progress at
This is from April...
I have done very little piecing, so this is all new to me. Your instructions are very concise and easy to understand. You have made something that looks extremely complicated and overwhelming achievable, even to a beginner, by breaking it into skill building segments. I would never have known where to begin!! Thanks for the journey!! I love that you are so available for questions or input!
Thank You,
April Buttner
Port Coquitlam, BC
Thank You,
April Buttner
Port Coquitlam, BC
Barbara says:
Two years ago my first grandchild was born. I made him a simple quilt, the first sewing I had done in many years. I enjoyed it, so took a beginner quilting class. Since then I have made a few more baby quilts and one block of the month through a local quilt shop. While looking for my next challenge I was attracted to examples of the Farmers Wife quilt on Pinterest. I got the book but was discouraged by the templates and the complexity of the blocks. Then, just at the right moment, I discovered Karen's classes. I have completed 3 sets so far, and have found the cutting instructions and sewing instructions to be flawless and easy to follow. Since I am still a basic learner in quilting I appreciate her organizing the months from easiest to most difficult, giving me a chance to gradually learn new techniques as I go. For me 10 squares per month is just the right amount. Thanks, Karen!
And from Jane...
My name is Jane and I blog at Jane's Fabric's and Quilts.
I do not know about you but I like to have many projects going at one time. How I happened to miss the Farmer's Wife Quilt Along when it first came out I do not know,
I was thrilled to see that Karen has a Farmer's Wife Revivall Class .
I jumped right in with both feet!
Bought my book and then headed to Karen's for her class.
I am on my 6th month of her classes and have learned so much from all her tips and techniques .
I love how class one starts out easy, class two, a bit more is learned and so and so on.
It is not overwhelming as she offers ten or so blocks a month.
You also get extras, such as a table runner,a table cloth, and a lap size quilt pattern!
The Magic 8 Technique is amazing and without it making these blocks would take twice as long.
I could have never made this block without the Magic 8 Technique.
I am not a template girl so her step by step instructions are wonderful.
If you have a question, and I did, she will get you the answer.
If you have always wanted to try your hand at these blocks this is the way to do it stress free.
I love Farming and cannot wait for every month so I can learn more and build my farm.
This review comes from Sharon...
I had been following Karen Walker’s blog, “laugh yourself into stitches” for some time when she offered a monthly class, “Farmer’s Wife Quilt Revival”. I wanted to make the quilt for a long time but the aspect of making lots of 6 inch squares intimidated me greatly. Even after more than 20 years of quilting, I didn't feel confident enough to take the plunge on my own. I really liked the fact knowing
1) I could use my own fabric/scraps, 2) would receive step by step instruction for each and every block, and 3) could purchase each class separately rather than committing to the entire project as in a BOM. I could do a class or two and should I discover I didn't have the skills necessary, could just drop out - no harm done. For me it was a “win” “win” situation.
It is amazing how easy the blocks are coming together. I've learned many new time saving methods to construct the blocks making it easy and fun. The diagrams are well drawn and instructions concise and well written. The new methods I've learned, such as “the magic 8” with Karen’s series will be used by me from this day forward. I’m more than pleased with the results and would recommend any quilter, at any level of experience, purchase the “Farmer’s Wife Quilt Revival” individual classes.
I am so happy I took the leap with Karen’s instructions and look forward to each new month. Thank you, Karen.
I am a little of both - traditional and modern. When I started quilting I was modern all the way but have started gravitating to more traditional patterns. I have started the FW using your patterns. I have the first 20 completed and I am loving it!
chrissi dot Brenner at gmail dot com
chrissi dot Brenner at gmail dot com
I really enjoy your instructions and photos in your monthly classes. It makes sewing the blocks so much easier. I have purchased 5 months from Crafty and 1 month from your store. Thankyou for this opportunity to get the next 6 months.
Dianne Brooks Australia
Dianne Brooks Australia
Thank you for a wonderful set of instructions for the Farmers Wife. I wasn't able to work on this with success until I found your class on Craftsy. You do a great job with your instructions and tips. Karen
- I love the classes they motivate me to keep going without overwhelming me. I can't wait until July 7th to see the next group of blocks. Thanks! my e-mail is
- I am a follower and I have your classes1-6 and love them. Waiting for #7! I'm like your Dad....a traditional farmer :)
I'm doing my blocks traditionally and I'm even sewing them up on my Featherweight. You have made the directions so easy to follow and they're sewing up very quickly.
I am definitely a traditional farmer. I follow your blog and craftsy site, having finished the first 3 Farmer's wife lessons. Thanks for all the great tips and techniques. I may actually finish this quilt after all.
Follow your blog via email. I have the book and have made several of the blocks using the paper piecing method. Then I discovered your classes on Craftsy. I purchased the first one and completed all those blocks. Your instructions were great! So, I purchased the next two classes and have been working my way through those blocks.
I'm a follower!! I started 'farmer' late but I am almost finished month 6 and thinking ahead to month 7.
I am a traditional farmer and I have improved my piecing very much.
I am a traditional farmer and I have improved my piecing very much.
Hi Karen! I'm still farming and my scrappy, modern farm is continuing to blossom with your wonderful classes. I couldn't have gone this far without you. I feel like I'm becoming a real quilter, getting years of experience and tricks with these classes and have recommended them to everyone.

dianag5ba1021218 commented on your pattern:
August 11, 2014
The Farmer's Wife Quilt Revival Class 1
"Karen you are my hero! thanks to your sensible, simple to follow cutting instructions, I now feel this quilt is achievable! I have been quilting and piecing for years (3rd generation quilter), but until I found you (due mainly to my poor math skills?) I was so frustrated and dejected. Well done clever woman!"