March 10, 2014


These photos are taken from Amber's blog A Little Bit Biased.  
You guessed it...another Farmer's Wife quilt!  I really want you all to see Amber's quilt...not only showing the beauty of a two color quilt but more importantly, her discipline for contrast in each block.
Contrast is very important to the effectiveness of a block...or quilt.  
When making a block, choose fabrics you love.  Big prints, small prints, lights and darks.  Close up they may look great together, but place them on a design wall and stand back a few feet.  Can you really see the difference in the fabrics?  Do they stand on their own or get lost next to each other?
Straw hats off to Amber with a fantastic job on contrast!  And with only 2 colors!  Applause!!
To read about and see more photos of her gorgeous Farmer's Wife HERE.  Thank you Amber for allowing me to share your quilt!

Update!  Read more about contrast on my Craftsy blog post HERE

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this post. I often struggle with contrast, thinking that just using different colors is good enough... I started making a fws quilt last year with scraps, using my "different colors" concept, but stopped after 16 blocks, disappointed with not only how much time it took to cut them out with the templates, but how the finished block didn't end up how I'd pictured it looking in my head. I'm going to start over now, using chosen fabrics, separated into lights/mediums/darks and use rotary cutting techniques. I found you through the fb group modern fws quilt along.



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